On November 15, 2022, Fifth Street Baptist Church distributed 126 bags of food, gave out 35 gift cards with food, and 38 gift cards were mailed to our sick and shut- in. To God be the Glory!!! Our goal was 100 bags of food and we far exceeded that because of blessings from God and our members.
A personal thank you is extended to Truist Bank and Tonya Smith who blessed us with a large donation containing a variety of foods and hens for this event. We thank our church member, Tonya Smith, who works at
Truist Bank for including us in this food donation partnership program. Tonya volunteered her time and worked with us on distributing the food.
The Missions Ministry would like to thank Deacon Tony Easter for purchasing and distributing a truck load of fresh collard greens and sweet potatoes to all those present during this Thanksgiving event. Deacon Easter faithfully blesses us each year with this contribution.
This day would not have been possible without the following:
We thank our "Church Family" for your Thanksgiving donations that allowed us to make this hap- pen. I am so proud to be a member of this church. We always come through when called upon to help those in need. We love each and every one of you!!!
Many Blessings Always, Deacon Pat Trent
Missions Ministry President
Fifth Street Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved.