In the 19th Chapter of 1st Kings, Elijah, God’s prophet, is on the run from his enemies. He has successfully stood for the Lord and now he needs some support from the Lord. He runs to where he thinks he can hear from God. He listens for him in the wind, and an earthquake, and then a fire...He Looks for God in the noise.
Our lives are bombarded by noise. We spend our time filled with the T.V., the Ipod, the cell phone, the internet and yes the radio. We are people plagued by auditory and visual overload.
We are overwhelmed by noise.
Even our prayers are filled with noise. We ask and ask, and talk and talk. But prayer is both active and passive. It is seeking as well as speaking. There’s power both in the request and the silence.
Elijah finally heard from God not in the noise but in a still, small voice.
Maybe God speaks loudest in stillness.
There are times when we experience God in joyful praise, In singing and shouting...but sometimes we hear Him in silent sitting, sometimes away from the noise.
Have you heard from the Lord today? Maybe to do so we need to quiet life’s noise.
Fifth Street Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved.