Please submit your response prior to our deadline of Monday, April 26th at 5pm.
Our Church Re-entry Team (CRT) would like your feedback on a phased approach to re-opening. We are working diligently to upgrade our facilities and processes to align with all Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Virginia Department of Health (VDH) guidelines. This 4 question survey is a shared governance tool that will drive our decisions and assist in leading our Church through a safe and well-designed re-entry process. Please submit your response prior to our deadline of Monday, April 26th at 5pm.
Thank you for your feedback.
And we appreciate your willingness to give of your time and talents to serve God's Kingdom & God's People. One of our volunteer coordinators will reach out to you for more information on the area(s) that you chose to serve.
Fifth Street Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved.